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Diese Frage wurde gekennzeichnet
2 Antworten
81 Ansichten

How do you ensure that all relevant information flows in a timely manner? Discuss your proven communication strategies to improve collaboration and efficiency in the supply chain.

Share your experiences:

-What strategies do you use to avoid communication gaps?

-How do you deal with communication challenges?

Your insights can help others optimize their communication processes and avoid misunderstandings.


I disagree, Ruben. These tools have made enormous progress in recent years and are able to facilitate clear and efficient communication, especially in global teams. Yes, they can't replace face-to-face conversations, but we would be lost without them.


Efficient perhaps, but at the expense of depth and genuine understanding. The constant use of tools can take the human element out of communication. You lose sight of the context and the nuances that are important in a real conversation. Is this really the way we should be going?

I understand your concerns, but the problem lies not in the tools themselves, but in their use. If used correctly, they can actually enrich the dialog. Moreover, in a time when teams are working remotely, they are essential. We should not demonize the tools, but learn to use them better.

But that's exactly the point! We rely too much on these tools and forget that communication is about more than just exchanging information. It's about understanding, about building trust - and that can't be achieved with just a few clicks. Perhaps we should focus more on the basics rather than on new technologies.

Maybe, but the reality is that we have to adapt to the modern working world. Many projects would not be possible without these tools. The trick is to find the right balance and use the tools in such a way that they support dialog rather than replace it.

I have to be honest, all these communication tools are often more of a curse than a blessing. Sure, they are practical, but do they really replace real dialog? In my opinion, they tend to lead to misunderstandings and superficial communication. What do you think?


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