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2 Antworten
65 Ansichten

How do you successfully manage the expectations and requirements of your stakeholders? Discuss strategies for effective stakeholder engagement and management in the supply chain.

Share your experiences

-What approaches have worked for you to effectively engage stakeholders?

-How do you deal with different expectations and interests?

Your insights can help others to strengthen their stakeholder relationships and improve project acceptance. Let's develop successful strategies together.


That sounds very idealistic. In practice, we have to find compromises in order to move projects forward. Of course, you can't always satisfy everyone, but the trick is to find a balance. Without this balance, many projects fail.


But it is precisely these compromises that often lead to watered-down results. Sometimes you simply have to set clear priorities and disappoint some stakeholders in order to make real progress. Always talking down to everyone gets no one anywhere.

That may be true, but in my experience, focusing too much on just a few interests often leads to resistance and problems that arise later on in the project. Stakeholders want to be heard, and we ignore this at our peril.

Perhaps, but it is also dangerous to live in a constant state of negotiation and compromise. In the end, no one is really satisfied because the solutions are only half-hearted. Sometimes it is better to make clear decisions, even if that means that not everyone applauds.

I disagree with that. There are always ways to get the majority of stakeholders on board without losing the focus of the project. It requires tact and experience, but it can be done. I believe that good communication and transparent decisions are the key.

Good communication is important, but the aim should not be to please everyone. Sometimes it takes courage to show a clear edge and live with the consequences.

Can you really satisfy all stakeholders? That sounds like a recipe for mediocrity to me. If you try to please everyone, you often miss the essentials. Wouldn't it be wiser to focus on the most important interests?


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