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2 Antworten
50 Ansichten

How do you ensure the financial stability of your projects? Discuss strategies for effective cost control and budget management in the supply chain.

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-What methods and tools do you use for budget control?

-How do you deal with unexpected costs or budget overruns?

Your experience can help others achieve their financial goals in projects and avoid cost overruns.


That sounds almost too simple. In my decades of experience, I have seen that budget overruns are often caused by external factors that you simply cannot foresee. It's not always about poor planning, but about the ability to react flexibly and pragmatically.


But isn't that exactly the problem? These “external factors” are often used as an excuse to cover up poor planning. Of course, you can't foresee everything, but if budget overruns are the rule and not the exception, something is fundamentally wrong.

Are budget overruns really unavoidable? Or are they the result of poor planning and unrealistic expectations? I think we often tell ourselves that it is “normal” to go over budget. Perhaps we should rather question the causes.


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