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1 Antworten
133 Ansichten

Hello everyone,

I’m Maxi Bäcker from beautiful Hamburg and excited to be part of this community! At catuuga, I work as an innovation strategist, focusing on digital transformation. My job is all about integrating new technologies into existing business processes to maximize efficiency and flexibility in our supply chains.

I’m passionate about using digital technologies to make businesses more agile and competitive. I firmly believe that continuous innovation is not just important but essential for long-term success. In my role at catuuga, I focus on finding and implementing innovative solutions that help our clients achieve their goals and stay competitive in a constantly evolving market.

I look forward to interesting discussions, exchanging ideas, and learning from your experiences. Together, we can find new ways to move our industry forward.

Best regards,



Hey Maxi, great to see you here. Your work with digital transformation fits perfectly with my passion for AI and blockchain. Looking forward to some exciting conversations.


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