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Geopolitical events can have a major impact on the supply chain. How strongly are you affected? Do you often have to make adjustments or does your supply chain remain largely stable?

-Very strong, with significant adjustments

-Moderate, with some adjustments

-Hardly at all, with minimal adjustments

-Not at all

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The reality is that geopolitical changes can have a significant impact, especially if you operate in international markets. But technology can help. With the right tools for data analysis and real-time monitoring, we can better predict and respond to risks.


This may be true, but not all companies have access to these technologies or can afford to implement them. So how do you deal with geopolitical risks when resources are limited?

A good approach is to introduce technologies step by step. Smaller companies can also benefit from customized solutions. It is important not to rely solely on short-term adjustments, but to develop a long-term strategy.

Long-term strategies are good, but how realistic is it that all companies will be able to implement such strategies effectively? Geopolitical risks are often unpredictable and require quick reactions.

That is why it is also important to remain flexible. The best strategy is often a combination of preparation and adaptability. Technology can help us respond better to such changes, but it also requires a culture of continuous improvement and learning.

Geopolitical changes seem to be mentioned more and more as a reason for massive adjustments in the supply chain. But are these changes really that disruptive, or are companies simply not well enough prepared?


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